Orders are dispatched same day from our warehouse in the UK using various services provided by Royal Mail and Hermes.
Standard delivery normally takes 2-3 working days, and express delivery takes 1-2 working days.
emf Sports do not charge delivery surcharges according to geographic location. Delivery costs are based on a flat rate per shipment and we do not charge extra for packing. Tracking numbers are made available for customers at the time of dispatch, which an option to receive shipping updates via SMS available where mobile telephone numbers are provided during checkout.
We endeavour to provide the widest possible delivery coverage. At this time we are only able to deliver to UK addresses, but we hope that EU and rest of world will be possible in future.
We continue to review the delivery services we use with the aim to maintain a high first-time delivery success
We endeavour to ensure that customers are provided with clear and transparent delivery information before orders are completed. If you would like to enquire about any aspect of our delivery service or provide feedback about the service you have received, please contact us at sales@emfsports.com or use our live chat function.